Thursday, June 30, 2016



Rasa percaya diri merupakan suatu hal yang dirasa cukup penting, dalam menjalankan serangkaian rutinitas kehidupan setiap orang. Karena tanpa self confidence yang baik, apapun pekerjaan, dan semudah apapun itu akan sulit untuk terselesaikan dan menghasilkan prestasi tinggi di akhir usaha yang telah diperjuangkan. Oleh karenanya, bangunlah percaya diri anda, dengannya anda dapat menjadi apa yang anda inginkan. Salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi percaya diri yakni apa yang kita kenakan. Ketika anda menghadiri sebuah acara pesta yang megah, namun anda hanya mengenakan pakaian seadanya, katakanlah baju tidur, maka dapat dipastikan anda akan benar-benar merasa malu dan disisihkan, bahkan mungkin sebagian dari yang lain menganggap diri anda kurang sehat. Untuk itu, penting pula kiranya kita memperhatikan pakaian yang hendak digunakan. Terutama bagi kaum hawa yang berhijab, penampilan sebagai muslimah harus benar-benar ditampakkan. Salah satunya dengan memakai model kemeja perempuan terbaik.

Adapun model kemeja perempuan yang dapat anda andalkan. Hanya dapat anda temukan di butik online resmi yang satu ini, Sebab secara keseluruhan, produk-produk yang tersedia di, merupakan produk yang telah dipilih secara ketat. Dan satu hal yang tak kalah pentingnya, produk tersebut merupakan hasil desain orang-orang yang telah kompeten dibidangnya. Walaupun datang dari lokal, namun karya mereka rasa internasional. Maka bagi anda yang ingin mengakhiri kebingungannya dalam memilih busana muslim, cukup kunjungi dan pesan busana yang sesuai dengan karakter anda sekarang juga! Agar kegiatan pencarian produk hingga proses pemesanan berasa lebih menyenangkan, jangan lupa untuk mengajak teman dan saudara anda.

Walaupun toko ini hanya menyediakan produk unggulan khusus muslimah, namun bukan berarti konsumen atau pembeli harus dari kaum hawa pula. Anda sebagai pria pun dapat melakukan transaksi di butik online ini. Besar kemungkinan anda tengah mencari hijab sebagai kado terindah untuk sang istri, adik perempuan, ibunda serta orang lain yang anda sayangi.


Confidence is something that is considered important, through a routine life of every person. Because without a good self confidence, any job and any easy as it would be difficult to be resolved and produce high achievement at the end of the effort that has been fought. Therefore build your confidence, so you can be what you want. One of the factors that can affect the confidence that what we wear. When you attend a magnificent party, but you only wear the clothes you usually wear daily, say sleep gown or pajamas, then certainly you will really feel shy and reserved, perhaps even some of the others consider yourself unhealthy. To that end, may we take care of what we wear because it is important. Especially for women who wear hijab, appearance as a Moslem should really be shown example with wearing a latest female shirt that look good to us.

The women shirt style that you can be put your trust on only can be found at the official online boutique, Because overall, the products are available in, is a product that has been rigorously. And one thing that is not less important, the product is a result of the design of those who have been competent in their field. Although coming from a local, but we can tell their work has an international taste. So for those of you who want to end the confusion in choosing the Muslim fashion item, simply visit and choose of clothing that suit your character now! In order for the product search activities until the reservation process more pleasant, do not forget to invite your friends and relatives.

Although these stores only provide stylish products specifically for moslem women, but that does not mean consumers or buyers should come from woman anyway. You as a men can make your transactions at this online boutique too. It is could probable that you are looking for hijab as a beautiful gift for your wife, sister, mother and other people you care about.

Monday, June 27, 2016


You've read a bilingual article. English translate below post.


Maxi dress merupakan gaun panjang yang digunakan oleh wanita dan biasanya dipakai untuk menghadiri acara formal serta non formal tergantung pada model dress yang ditampilkan. Maxi dress dengan gaya hijab simpel merupakan salah satu fashion item busana muslimah yang banyak disukai dan dipakai oleh semua kalangan wanita muslim mulai dari remaja hingga dewasa, sehingga model fashion hijab dress ini menjadi trend tersendiri bagi yang menggunakannya serta di kalangan pecinta fashion. Dengan beragam model maxi dress hijab yang ditampilkan saat ini membuat cakupan pemakainya lebih luas lagi dan tidak hanya dipakai oleh mereka yang bertubuh kecil, karena kini sudah banyak model dress yang bisa serta cocok untuk dipakai oleh wanita bertubuh besar.

Dengan memakai hijab model dress pada setiap kegiatan dan acara akan menampilkan kesan anggun dan elegan karena dress didesain untuk karakter yang seperti demikian. Akan tetapi saat ini dengan padu padan yang tepat serta model hijab yang sederhana dapat membuat dress bisa dipakai untuk berbagai aktivitas. bagi anda yang menginginkan tampil secara maksimal dengan fashion hijab dress, Berikut ini tips tampil cantik dengan gaya maxi dress beserta hijab yang akan dapat anda terapkan dengan mudah.

Tips Stylish dengan Maxi Dress

#1 Ukuran tubuh
Sebelum membeli maxi dress, sebaiknya anda mengetahui ukuran tubuh anda sendiri agar lebih bisa memilih model dress yang sesuai dan pas dengan bentuk tubuh anda. Seperti untuk anda yang memiliki tubuh kecil atau mungil, maxi dress yang tidak terlalu panjang akan menampilkan kesan jenjang pada kaki anda. Hindari gaya hijab yang menumpuk serta warna mencolok sebagai penyempurna tampilan dress anda.

#2 Motif dress

Sesuaikan motif pada dress maxi dengan warna hijab, artinya jika anda memilih untuk mengenakan style hijab dress yang memiliki banyak motif seperti motif bunga, anda bisa memakai hijab polos tanpa motif serta pilihlah warna hijab yang sesuai dengan warna dasar dress agar tidak menampilkan kesan ramai.

#3 Alas kaki yang sesuai
Tips terakhir sempurnakan tampilan anda agar dengan mengenakan alas kaki yang cocok dengan desain dress. Dress bernuansa etnik tentunya akan cocok dengan selop yang bernuansa etnik pula. Sementara dress dengan desain office look akan serasi jika anda memadankannya dengan sepatu pantofel. Dress dengan motif pastel atau cenderung ramai dan cocok untuk acara santai, kita bisa memadankannya dengan flat shoes dengan warna lembut, nude atau bahkan dengan sneakers,

Sebagai penambah referensi untuk anda, anda bisa mengunjungi online shop busana muslimah berkualitas yang menyediakan berbagai macam model dress cantik sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda. Bisa disesuaikan dengan acara yang anda akan hadiri atau kegiatan anda sehari-hari. Ragam model dress yang ada di tak terkecuali model maxi dress seperti salah satu koleksinya yaitu Bow Printed Maxi dress yang akan membuat anda tampak feminin dan manis saat mengenakannya.


Maxi dress is a long gown used by women and is usually used to attend formal events as well as non-formal dress depending on the model shown. Maxi dress with a simple hijab style is one moslem fashion item that much preferred and used by almost all moslem women from teenagers to adults, so the hijab dress fashion models have become a separate trend for those who use it as well as among the fashion lovers. With a variety of models maxi dress hijab currently displayed, makes person who wear it a wider coverage and is not only used by those who have thin body, because now many models that can dress as well as suitable for use by a curvy woman.

By wearing hijab maxi dress at each event, we could feature the event with lady look and elegant impression because the dress is designed for characters like that. With good mix and match among the maxi dress and simple veil so the dress can be used for various activities. for those of you who want to perform optimally with hijab fashion maxi dress, below are some tips to look good with maxi dress style and veil that will be able to apply easily.

Stylish Tips with Maxi Dress

# 1 The body size
Before buying a maxi dress, you should know your own body size in order to be able choosing an appropriate dress models and fit the shape of your body. For those who have small bodies, or petite, maxi dress that is not too long will show you the impression of levels on your feet. Avoid piling hijab styles and bold colors as complement the look of your dress.

# 2 Colorful dress
Adjust motive on maxi dress with a color of veil, meaning if you choose to wear hijab dress style that has lots of motifs like florals, you can wear a plain hijab without hijab motifs and choose a color that matches base color of the dress so it will not create crowded looks to your outfit.

# 3 Appropriate Footwear
Last tips refine your look by wearing footwear that matches the dress design. Ethnic dress will certainly fit with slippers that has ethnic looks anyway. While the dress have an office looks design so it would look good if you pairing it with loafers. Dress in pastel motif or colorful and suitable for casual events, we can pairing it with flat shoes with soft colors, nude or even with sneakers.

As an addition to your reference, you can visit high quality online shop of has moslem clothing that provides a wide range of gorgeous style dress to fit your needs. It can be customized with the event you will attend or your daily activities. Variety of dress in also provide so many pretty maxi dress like this one Bow Printed Maxi dress that will make you look like a lady and sweet when wearing it.

Thursday, June 23, 2016


You've read a bilingual article. English translate below post.


Sebagai wanita, penampilan seringkali merupakan hal penting yang harus kita diperhatikan. Mengingat penampilan yang sedikit banyaknya mampu menjelaskan siapa diri kita. Terlebih sebagai wanita muslim tentulah kita harus memiliki penampilan sesuai dengan apa yang telah disyari’atkan yaitu menutupi seluruh anggota tubuh, terkecuali untuk dua anggota badan kita: wajah dan telapak tangan.

Dalam hal menutup aurat akhir-akhir ini selain dari karena menjalankan aturan agama, terkadang kita juga merasa harus mengikuti trend serta perkembangan yang terjadi. Terutama bagi anda yang memiliki rutinitas atau peranan tertentu yang mengharuskan untuk bertemu banyak orang dalam sehari-harinya. Baik itu sebagai pengajar, ahli medis dan lain sebagainya. Berbicara mengenai penampilan, apa sih item pakaian yang paling sering anda kenakan ke luar rumah selain outfit sehari-hari? 

Biasanya item pakaian yang menjadi sahabat para muslimah di luar rumah adalah jaket dan sweater. Tidak hanya menghangatkan tubuh dan menjaga tubuh kita saat sedang sakit, jaket dan sweater juga membantu menyamarkan lekuk tubuh wanita. Karena perkembangan fashion muslimah tanah air yang juga semakin pesat, maka kita bisa mendapatkan banyak pilihan jika ingin membeli model sweater wanita terbaru. Dengan model terbaru yang telah dirancang oleh para desainer berbakat, dapat dipastikan kini penampilan anda dapat semakin anda sesuaikan dengan selera anda masing-masing.

Model sweater wanita terbaru memang sangat mudah untuk anda temukan di berbagai toko di sekitar tempat tinggal anda atau bahkan toko online. Namun yang perlu untuk anda ketahui, produk berkualitas dengan brand ternama dari tangan dingin para desainer dapat anda jumpai di butik hijab online terkemuka yang satu ini yaitu 

Selain sweater anda dapat melihat-lihat jaket dan berbagai produk berkualitas lainnya. Mulai dari kerudung, celana, atasan, dress hingga koleksi menarik lainnya. Dapatkan pula informasi penting dan menarik seputar gaya berhijab wanita muslim masa kini. Dengan begitu, kini anda dapat tampil lebih sylish dan sekaligus tetap hangat dengan menggunakan sweater dalam berbagai kesempatan, termasuk di hari lebaran nanti. Dijamin tidak akan terlihat seperti selayaknya orang sakit deh,

Adapun cara pembelian produk yang dapat anda lakukan di sangatlah mudah, cukup ikuti langkah di bawah ini dengan tepat:

Langkah Melakukan Pembelian di

#1 Register
Lakukan register terlebih dahulu, dengan mengisi setiap kolom dengan tepat dan sesuai. Apabila anda telah memiliki akun pribadi di, anda hanya perlu login dengan memasukan email serta kata sandi milik anda.

#2 Pilih, beli, bayar dengan praktis
Kemudian lakukan pencarian produk yang anda butuhkan, kemudian lakukan pemesanan dan terakhir pembayaran. Nah mudah bukan?


For women, appearance is often an important thing that we should note. Given the appearance of a more or less able to explain who we are. Moreover, as a Moslem woman surely we must have the appearance in accordance with what has been shar'i that cover the whole body, except for two members of our body: the face and palms.

In the case of the closing aurah lately except for running the rules of religion, sometimes we also feel the need to follow the trends and fashion lately. Especially for those of you who have a routine or a particular role that requires you to meet many people in a day-to-day. Be it as teachers, medical professionals and others. By the way about appearance, what is the most frequent item of clothing you wear outside the house in addition to the daily outfit?

Usually clothing items that being wear by moslem women for going outdoors is a jacket and sweater. Not only warms the body and keep our bodies when we are sick, jackets and sweaters also help to hide a woman's curves. Since the development of moslem fashion in our country that is also growing rapidly, then we can get a lot of choice if you want to buy the latest models woman sweater. With the latest models that have been designed by the talented designers, you can bet your appearance can now further customize to your taste of style.

The latest woman sweater is very easy to be found in various shops around where you live or even shop online. But we need you to know, products quality with brand names such cold hands of the designers can be found at leading online hijab boutique this one is

In addition to a sweater, you can see the jacket and various other quality products. Starting from hoods, pants, tops, dress up other interesting collections. You can also getting important and interesting information about the style of moslem women hijab today. By doing so, now you can show up yourself more sylish and while still warm using a sweater on various occasions, including the day of Eid. That cute style of sweater guaranteed that you will not look like as a sick person.

As for how to purchase a product that you can do in is easy, just follow the steps right below:

Step by Step to Purchase On

# 1 Register
Perform register first, fill each column with appropriate and suitable. If you already have a personal account on, you just need to login by entering your email and password belonging to you.

# 2 Select, buy, pay with practical
Then do a search product that you need, and then make a booking and final payment. So easy is'nt it?

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Cara Memilih Hijab Terbaik Untuk Berbagai Bentuk Tubuh Yang Berbeda - How to Choose Hijab for Different Body Shapes

Cara Memilih Hijab Terbaik Untuk Berbagai Bentuk Tubuh Yang Berbeda

Saat anda akan menggunakan hijab terkadang akan menjumpai masalah dengan hijab yang kurang pas ketika digunakan. Berbagai masalah ini dapat saja karena bermacam sebab, salah satunya yaitu pada ukuran dan juga bentuk tubuh berbeda yang dimiliki setiap orang. Oleh sebab itu, dengan anda mengenali bentuk tubuh masing-masing maka anda dapat menyesuaikan bentuk tubuh anda dengan model hijab yang akan anda pakai. Menyesuaikan hijab dengan bentuk tubuh dapat membuat tampilan anda saat memakai hijab menjadi pas dan sesuai apa yang diharapkan.

Untuk menyesuaikan penampilan anda dalam memakai hijab agar sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan, maka penting bagi anda untuk tahu mengenai cara memilih hijab yang sesuai dengan bentuk tubuh. Selain penting dan wajib diketahui, ini juga berguna untuk memudahkan dalam mencari dan memilih hijab terbaik sesuai dengan bentuk tubuh anda, dapat menjadi pilihan terbaik anda dalam kemudahan mencari model hijab yang paling pas dan nyaman.

Mengenai cara memilih hijab terbaik yang sesuai dengan bentuk tubuh masing-masing orang yang berbeda-beda, berikut ini beberapa cara yang dapat digunakan

Tips Memilih Hijab Sesuai Bentuk Tubuh

#1 Untuk tubuh yang kurus
Bagi anda yang memiliki tubuh kurus maka dalam berbusana hijab yang dikenakan, usahakan untuk menghindari hijab yang ketat serta memiliki garis vertikal lurus. Karena hal ini dapat membuat tampilan anda menjadi semakin terlihat kurus. Hijab yang cocok untuk anda yaitu dengan memilih model yang berwarna terang atau memiliki motif besar yang dapat membuat penampilan anda menjadi lebih terlihat segar serta berisi.

#2 Untuk tubuh yang mungil
Jika anda memiliki tubuh yang mungil atau mungkin cenderung pendek, maka saat mengenakan hijab tubuh anda mungkin akan terlihat tertutupi atau tenggelam dalam hijab yang dikenakan. Oleh karena itu anda dapat memilih hijab yang memakai atasan dan bawahan dengan warna yang senada, hijab yang seperti ini akan memberikan kesan dan siluet yang lebih tinggi pada tubuh anda. Ini berbeda dengan anda yang memiliki tubuh kurus yang disarankan menggunakan hijab dengan motif besar, maka untuk anda yang bertubuh mungil hal ini justru harus dihindari karena akan menyebabkan tubuh anda justru terlihat semakin mungil.

#3 Untuk tubuh berbentuk segitiga terbalik
Tubuh segitiga terbalik yaitu ukuran tubuh yang mempunyai ukuran bagian atas tubuh lebih besar jika dibandingkan dengan bagian tubuh bawahnya. Untuk bentuk tubuh dengan tipe ini, anda dapat memilih jenis hijab yang memiliki warna gelap untuk dipadankan dengan bawahan yang bercorak dengan motif besar-besar. Selain itu memilih rok yang lurus dapat juga anda lakukan agar proporsi tubuh anda terlihat lebih seimbang.

How to Choose Hijab for Different Body Shape

When you are going to use your hijab, sometimes we will encounter a problems with unfitted hijab that you are using. These problems may be due to various reasons, maybe it is because the size and every person different shape of body. Therefore, you need to recognize your shapes so you can adjust the shape of your body with a model hijab that you will use. Hijab suitable to the body shape can make you looks better while wearing fit and appropriate hijab as you expected.

To customize your appearance wearing hijab in order to conform to what you expected, it is important for you to know about how to choose the hijab that conforms to the shape of your body. Besides important and must be known, it is also useful to facilitate the search for and select the best hijab in accordance with the shape of your body, can be your best option in the ease of finding the most appropriate and comfortable to use model of hijab.

About how to choose the best hijab that conforms to different shape of each person body, here are some ways you can use:

Tips on Choosing Hijab According to Body Shapes

# 1 For a skinny body
For those of you who have a thin body and worn hijab, try to avoid a tight hijab and has a straight vertical line. Because it can make you look thinner. Hijab that suits you is a model that has a light colored or have a large motif that make your appearance not too thin and looks fresher.

# 2 For a petite body
If you have a petite body or may tend to be short, so while wearing hijab your body might look covered or immersed in hijab you worn. Therefore, you can choose to wear hijab with color matching tops and bottoms. Hijab model like these would give the impression and increase your height so you will looks taller. It's different from you who have a thin body suggested using a hijab with a large motif, for those of you who are petite please avoid it because it will cause your body  more petite than your actually looks.

# 3 For inverted triangle-shaped body
Inverted triangle body shape which is a measure of the body having the upper body size is greater than the parts of the body underneath. To form the body of this type, you can choose the type of hijab which has a dark color to be fitted with a pants or skirt patterned with large motif. Or you can choose a straight lined skirt, that fashion item supposed to be balanced the proportion looks of your body.

Happy trying! :)

Saturday, June 18, 2016


Do you ever in the middle of busy at the office keeps our self thinking: "Doh, when to leave for holiday anyway?" And we looking up the desk calendar and search for some red dates.
If we can, even far from the holiday date we had actually decided to go to what places when there is a fortune-shaped holiday dates lined up (which is going increasingly lined again when our annual leave approved by boss. Ahem). Holiday can be so tempting, really. Rows of holiday are usually followed up by browsing cheap ticket and listed our itinerary.

Decided to spent your holiday in Bali?

After selecting the tickets according to our vacation budget, the second thing we need to do is choose from the many hotels when you want to visit Bali. Choose which hotel you want to spend your holiday might make us confused and difficult to decide which is most appropriate? Well here is a step to choose the hotel in Bali that we can simply followed.

3 Tips for Choosing a Hotel in Bali

# 1 Know the location of where we wanted to stay, compared with our vacation plans
Well it depends on us, if we want to plan a vacation near to the location of the hotel or even the location of the hotel would have to fit with the list of tourist destinations we have collated. Most people prefer conformity with the budget hotel with decent comfort, provided there is adequate transportation that could bring to a holiday destination. But others prefer to stay in hotels close to their favorite holiday destination.

# 2 Understand our travel destinations
Bali may not be that great, but a tourist destination and the location of the hotel area in Bali we should have to know. Make sure that the location of the hotel has easy access by transportation plan we will be used later, and it is in an area which is quite well known. This is very important because of course we go to Bali for holiday not just to stay all day long at the hotel. We also need transportation to get around Bali.

# 3 Set your maximum budget
If we are people who would rather stay in a hotel close to tourist attractions that are in our top list, then consider and determine the maximum number of budget hotels per night. Hotel prices in Bali are also determined by its location. Hotels near from the sea or in the middle of town - so the access is kind of easy and travel to our tourist destination list is not too far - certainly more expensive than the hotel located on outskirts of the city and not in near area of tourist attractions. So, do not forget to set up the cost of our trip as best as possible to avoid the holiday exceeded our budget.

Thursday, June 9, 2016


Penggunaan listrik dalam rumah tangga sangat penting. Mulai dari penerangan rumah, kegiatan memasak, kegiatan mandi, mencuci pakaian, dan hampir semua kegiatan dalam rumah tangga memerlukan listrik. Namun, penggunaan listrik yang berlebihan dan tidak terkontrol akan berdampak pada tagihan listrik yang membengkak setiap bulannya. Lalu bagaimana cara menyelesaikan problem ini?

Jawabannya tentu saja dengan cara menghemat penggunaan listrik. Cara sederhana yang dapat dilakukan ialah dengan mematikan alat elektronik yang tidak digunakan. Selain itu, jangan lupa untuk selalu mematikan lampu pada siang hari atau menggunakan lampu berdaya watt rendah seperti lampu LED.

Lampu LED menggunakan teknologi (Light Emitting Diode). Penggunaan teknologi LED tidak terbatas pada lampu saja, namun juga pada berbagai alat elektronik lainnya seperti handphone, komputer, dan remote control.

Masyarakat Indonesia sudah sering menggunakan lampu neon sehingga masih kurang memahami teknologi lampu LED sendiri, padahal sebenarnya lampu LED terbukti jauh lebih hemat dibanding lampu neon. Bahkan lampu LED dengan kapasitas 4 watt mampu menghasilkan cahaya lebih baik daripada lampu neon 5 watt.

Dari perbandingan sederhana itu secara garis besar dapat disimpulkan bahwa lampu LED dapat menghemat listrik dibandingkan dengan lampu neon. Selain hemat listrik, lampu LED juga dapat digunakan dalam kurun waktu yang cukup lama. Sebagian besar produsen lampu LED mengklaim produknya mampu bertahan hingga masa 5 tahun. Hal ini disebabkan karena lampu LED tidak menghasilkan panas seperti yang dihasilkan oleh lampu neon.

Lalu, bagaimana dengan harga jual lampu LED?

Harga jual lampu LED sangat bervariasi, mengingat cukup banyak produsen yang saat ini mulai aktif memproduksikan lampu LED. Meskipun dengan harga jual lampu LED relatif lebih mahal dari dari lampu neon, namun terbayarkan dengan hemat dan masa penggunaan yang lebih lama.

Jadi, sudah yakin untuk beralih menggunakan lampu LED? Rasakan hematnya dan dapatkan cahaya terbaik sepanjang waktu di dalam rumah dengan lampu LED.


Electricity use in the home is very important. Starting from the home lighting, cooking, bathing, washing clothes, and almost all activities within the household needs electricity. However, excessive use of electricity and uncontrollable impact on electricity bills swell each month. Then how we should resolve this problem?

And the answer is of course we do save electricity usage. A simple way to do is to turn off the electronic device is not in use. In addition, do not forget to always turn off the lights during the day or use low wattage power lights such as LED lights.

LED lights use technology (Light Emitting Diode). The use of LED technology is not limited to only light, but also on a wide range of other electronic devices such as mobile phones, computers, and remote control.

Indonesian society is often used fluorescent lamps so they do not understand much about LED light technology, LED lights when in fact proved far more efficient than fluorescent lamps. Even the LED lamp with a capacity of 4 watts able to produce better light than fluorescent lamps 5 watt.

From a simple comparison of the outline can be concluded that LED lights can save electricity compared with fluorescent lamps. In addition to saving electricity, LED lights can also be used in a long time. Most of the LED lamp manufacturers claim their products can last up to 5 years. This is because LED lights do not produce heat as generated by fluorescent lights.

Then, what about the LED lights price?

The selling price of LED lights is very varied, given quite a lot of manufacturers are now starting to actively producing LED lights. Although the selling price of LED lights is relatively more expensive than from fluorescent lights, but paid off by saving and longer shelf-life.

So, are you ready to switch using LED lights? Experience the efficiency and get the best light all the time in the house with LED lights.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Okay maybe I'm the laziest girl in the world hihi

"May I borrow your comb?"
"Bring me a beauty cotton please?"

and the conversation end up with "HOAAAAAAAAAH I forget to bring this things AGAIN when I stay at your boarding house" *sigh*

This annoying conversation cause I always say that "sorry I didnt have comb and beauty cotton"
"What type a girl you're!!!" my friend yelling on me.

Okay I have a bad habbit with this all thing that I mentioned on first paragraph cause after covering my head with headcover or hijab I never have comb I just comb out my hair when I wash my hair hehe.

Its okay before I have a black head I think or little pimple that spread on my forehead and its very distrub much.
Until my sister tell me to clean my face once again after wash my face with facewash even that have function to make up remover and I was shock to know that the face cotton is dirty even I didnt have make up cause I just lay down that day.

And for you that have a problem with me even you have a pimple lotion, masker or another product for make your face like a princess make sure you already to clean your face with toner or another product that suit to your face.

Last I'll show you a product that suit my face.......




Thursday, June 2, 2016


pic taken from google

Many new mothers could become stressed because of the problems of breast milk, some of them fearing unable to meet their nutritional intake baby nursing breast milk is abundant. Though nursing mothers it must always be happy and should not being stress so that the breast milk was produced enough for their babies. From various sources of information mentioned that stress actually affects breast milk production may be reduced or even less than normal production.

How to improve maternal milk production? Here are tips that I have outlined from the testimony of friends:

Tips for Improving Breast Milk

The first tip: Do not stare at certain hours for breastfeeding
Breastfeeding a baby is not the same as eating hours toddlers or adults. Babies usually cry when hungry, crying can be the alarm for us to provide breast milk. Indeed, we do not know why she's crying is due to hunger or the other, but each hesitate to offer breastfeeding infants to determine whether crying because of hunger or the desire to cuddle. The more frequent breastfeeding makes the more milk that we can produce.

Tip two: Avoid pacifiers and bottle of milk unless it is necessary
Use of a pacifier or a bottle of milk that is too often could cause our milk production is reduced. This is because the less direct contact to the mother breast-feeding a baby then the less milk is stimulated to milk production and nursing mothers were plentiful. So, keep the baby from the pacifier and a bottle of milk as much as possible.

Tip three: Make it through the crying baby's needs as an alarm, not hours
Our baby know what he needs, including when hungry then he'll start to fuss or cry. In contrast with the vigorous by the time clock. So whenever he wants, give breast milk as much as he needs. But if he was not hungry and did not want the milk then just wait, not only because we peg hours to feed the baby then we force him to drink. Do not also limit so she latched umpteen hours on the schedule that we set.

Tip four: Make sure that we always eat a balanced healthy meals
Breastfeeding mothers need adequate nutrition to produce abundant milk of course. So always make sure we eat enough nutritious foods to support milk production. At the time of the lactation period is not recommended to go on a diet unless the type of diet that we use for lactation friendly. In addition to breastfeeding mothers need good nutrition and nutrition through food, nursing mothers also require higher calories than women who are not breastfeeding. Get nutrients from vegetables, good fats contained in avocado, salmon, egg and chia seeds, protein, nuts and seeds. A little sugar will probably raise our mood, but try to keep it minimal in sugar consumption because it's lack of nutrition, but it has the potential to increase our weight in a relatively short time.

Tip five: Drink plenty of water
Drinking lots of water is recommended for our health, especially for nursing mothers. Nursing mother's milk can be affected by the consumption of water due to breastfeeding will make us thirsty faster. Our body will have bad process if we do not drink lots of water. When we do not drink enough water we will also find that energy, focus and our concentration will decline.

Thus tips for breastfeeding mothers in order to optimal producing milk, the most important is we should always be happy to be the mother to feed our baby well. There are other tips that are not in the list? Please share :)
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