Tuesday, June 15, 2010


pic taken random by google

Mia Thermopolis is a teenage girl who lives with his mother, Helen, in Manhattan-New York. Until a teenager, She lived as an ordinary person but one day she know about her status : SHE IS A PRINCESS ACTUALLY. Mia is a princess from Genovia, small country in Europe.

Mia must choose between living in Manhattan or a princess in Genovia. As long as she decide it, Mia lesson a manners to be a good and lovable princess. During that time also became closer to her grandmother. Mia falling love with Michael who is Mia friend's brother. In the end of trilogy, we know Mia finally have a special relationship with Michael.

But, do you think they will life happily ever after? BIG NOOOO!!!

Meg Cabot, The Princess Diaries's author write about the next episode. Mia and Michael break up on novel 'Princess Mia'. That story teach us how can love ended altough we didn't want it. And how can a perfect couple Mia - Michael basic on The Princess Diaries reader can break up.

Perfect couple can be an unperfect mean to be.

But in this book Meggin Cabot (my favourite author besides J.K. Rowling) not just tell us about love, she tell us through Mia's sides to be more respect a nature, to be more notice with social phenomennon around us. Maybe I'm not good enough to write about book review, but I recommending this book to be your friend at relaxing time. I read this book, firstly on grade 3 Junior High School, and until now I keep on read another newest series from Princess Diaries :)

31 thoughts:

Unknown said...

thanks for the review

achen said...

Nyari2 translatenya kok nggak ada ya Nyin... hhhhihiihihih

buwel said...

Meg cabol... baru denger neh.. :-)

attayaya said...

pelemnya lucu lho

attayaya said...

princessnya juga cakep

hahahahahahahahahahahahaha said...

maaf jika selama saya kenal sama kamu di dunia maya saya selalu membuat kesalaha.
"sedikit saran"
jangan terlalu memegang prinsip,
tapi orang hidup harus punya prinsip"

papa said...

gak begitu tau bahasa inggris.

nchus said...

I haven't read this book yet. Padahal sebelumnya sempet koleksi.

Unknown said...

senam pagi di blog biar sehat... satu ..dua..satu..dua...kiri..kanan..kiri..kanan..

arfi said...

waw.. it is the interesting book. from the synopsis, i wanna read it as soon as possible..

ra kun said...

interesting review :)
keep up the good work ^^

Unknown said...

met malam....

Bali Wedding Photography said...

Boleh juga nech bukunya....

izin follow sekalian yach....
salam kenal....

Ana said...

i have read it before as well.. its a good and fenomenal story, though.. remember the movie, right?

and Meg cabot obviously another super-author! :)

Faisal Hilmi said...

this diary amazing! good luck!

TRIMATRA said...

ngikut komennya yang pada faham artinya, gudlak!! ;tumb
nb: mengundang kolaborasi....

Deacy said...

Aaaaaah, i love this series!!!!!
Yeah, saya juga kenal sama buku harian sang putri ini waktu sma, dipinjemin oleh sahabat saya, dan langsung jatuh hati seketika *lebay*.

Meskipun teenlit yg ditulis dengan gaya ringan, namun ada sentuhan hal-hal berbobot melalui pandangan2 Mia dkk terhadap sekitar....

Iya, mestinya cuma trilogi dengan ending romantis, eh, ndak taunya berlanjut sampe seri ke-10 (wah saya belum baca yg terakhir itu)...mungkin karena banyak penggemar Tante Cabot memutuskan untuk memperpanjangnya :D

genial said...

geeee... sayangnya :( happily ever after hanya ada di sinetron atawa fairy tale ajja...

CESTER Band said...

kunjungan malam.... maaf bru bisa berkunjung...

Rezky Pratama said...

waduh bahasa inggrisan eee
aku ora ngerti reviewannya
berkunjung aja aku nin

kurniawan.q said...

kok ngga update lagi mba????

Unknown said...

blekenyek datang mengunjungi sahabat

genial said...

reviewnya mantap :)

Wong Sikampuh said...

Review yg jelas dan gamblang,..Btw gmn kbr nxa mba? Wah lama gak update

penghuni60 said...

malu, aku msh blm lancar bahasa Inggrisnya...
pa kbr sob?

Suratman Adi said...

Pinjem buku nya donk,

Cermin Community said...

belum up date ya, kawan?

cermin said...

selamat beraktifitas

Tip Trik Blogger said...

mo ikutan gabung sobat

Tip Trik Blogger said...

met sore mbak....
mampir lagi nich

Tip Trik Blogger said...

mampir lagi mbak....

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